Trip Itinerary: June 24-July 2: Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima) July 2-July 13: China (Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong) July 13-17: Thailand (Phuket) July 17-20: Taiwan July 21-30: Italy (Rome, Amalfi Coast) August 1-13: Spain (All Over)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Taipei 101

Originally uploaded by bradley_b_wilson.
My last few days in Asia were spent with Shawn's family in Taipei, Taiwan. This picture was taken at the top of the tallest building in the world, Taipei 101.

Shawn did a great job hosting me in Taiwan as well as being our tour guide around Asia. From here I flew onto Rome to begin the European leg of my trip. The flight was pretty cool as I had an hour layover in Doha, Qatar, which borders Saudia Arabia. I have honestly never seen so much sand in my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again the beard is HOT!

11:09 PM


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