Trip Itinerary: June 24-July 2: Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima) July 2-July 13: China (Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong) July 13-17: Thailand (Phuket) July 17-20: Taiwan July 21-30: Italy (Rome, Amalfi Coast) August 1-13: Spain (All Over)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

2007 SI Swimsuit Cover

Originally uploaded by bradley_b_wilson.
Although it rained for a few days, Phuket and its beaches were a lot of fun....and very cheap. We're talking like .25 for a pint of you can tell in the pic, I may have had 1 or 2.

Mostly, we did a lot of sitting around and recovered from the previous weeks travels. We also rented scooters and did a day trip to some of the uninhabited islands around Phuket.


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