Trip Itinerary: June 24-July 2: Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima) July 2-July 13: China (Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong) July 13-17: Thailand (Phuket) July 17-20: Taiwan July 21-30: Italy (Rome, Amalfi Coast) August 1-13: Spain (All Over)

Monday, July 10, 2006

Only using the finest facilities

Originally uploaded by bradley_b_wilson.
One of the many bizarre sites in China


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damnit Brad you don't post a picture of a 4 star toilet with out giving an opinion, did it live up to the 4 stars? Who gave it the stars, Micheleon? Did you poop in it? Was the seat gold plated or lined with rabbit fur? How many chinese died in its construction? So many questions! I guess the bottom line is this, if you can't tell me what it's like to crap in a 4 star toilet, what are you doing on this trip, anyway?

2:08 PM

Blogger ling said...

Brad! Glad that you're having a good time - we saw the same toilet!!!!!

11:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just went into my bathroom, I don't think I'd even give it one star.

4:01 PM


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