Trip Itinerary: June 24-July 2: Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima) July 2-July 13: China (Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong) July 13-17: Thailand (Phuket) July 17-20: Taiwan July 21-30: Italy (Rome, Amalfi Coast) August 1-13: Spain (All Over)

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Trip of a Lifetime

Off I's hard to believe I'll be starting my 51 day journey soon in Tokyo. I honestly have no idea what to expect out of the next couple months, but I fully expect this time to be life changing.

Through the duration of my trip, I'll be sure to post pictures and journal a few things that will describe the pictures. I promise they won't be too long, but they'll allow everyone the chance to follow my travels at their leisure. Also, my itinerary is posted above so everyone can see where I am at a certain date.

I hope you'll find my posts and my pics entertaining and enjoyable. Also, feel free to add your own postings if you want to say hey or just to mock me.

Thanks for reading and have a great summer!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The trip of a lifetime? Isn't that a bit overdone not to mention melodramatic? Couldn't "Well, I'll never get to do THIS again" or "Why it will take me 10 more years to pay off my Student Loans" or "Screw Austin, I'm leaving hair all over the world this summer" or even "Thank God I'm not married yet because my wife would never allow this" all be a bit more realistic titles? PS your elephant pic looks like you superimposed yourself on a national geographic, your photoshop skills are bunk, use a light filter, novice. Have a good time, but unless you come up with better pics, I'm betting your in your parents basement fing around on a mac.

11:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Though my comments are not critical in the vein of JW, I do want to know how it is you can make it all the way around the world, getting as close as Spain, and not make it to Cambridge, England? We'd even have a place for you to stay!

3:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you haven't left yet?

7:06 AM

Blogger Brad Wilson said...

Dub....always good to hear from you, buddy. The more I read your writing the more I realize funny school in Chi-town is going to pay off.

I guess I could've explained the elephant pic better (in S. Africa) was actually the only picture I had of myself over the past few years where a scantilly-clad female is not hanging from my arm. This is a PG blog. At least for now.

5:03 PM

Blogger Brad Wilson said...

Boooo....that's for the anonymous posting. We don't need any of that here. Identify yourself.

5:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well as long as JW continues to comment, I will continue to look!

I feel slighted that I did't make your itinerary. Rome or bust!


11:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Brad...Just got a note from your Mom...glad you are safe and ready to take on Japan...Keep us posted. Love, UR and AJ

11:53 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I called your mom yesterday to see if you made it to Japan and she has not heard from you. What happened to the 3:00am phone call? How is Japan?

7:19 PM

Blogger JB el JB said...

If you don't go to Bargas, Spain, you'll be missing out. It's an hour from Madrid and 20 minutes from Toledo.

Tell the butcher lady you know me.


1:52 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Brad.
We loved your pictures and notes from Japan.... What an experience!
We are so happy that you are sending these...
Have fun..
UR and AJ

4:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I loved your pictures! I love the fact that people exspress their feelings and prayers of discust for George Bush no matter what country they are in. Thanks for sharing this experience with all of us! Keep enjoying your trip of a lifetime... I think that is a great title and embodies what you are doing... that first comment was rude!
Take Care Brad and Be Safe

8:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those pictures are awesome! Thanks for sharing Brad!

4:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brad,
Loved the pictures, glad you are having a great time. You'd better enjoy it before you get back to the real world and work. Ha.
Can't wait to see more pictures from this trip of a lifetime.
Take care.
Sally Rackers

8:41 AM


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